The FUSE Course Programme

FUSE is a 2-day focused ultrasound for situational emergencies course that covers both theoretical and practical ultrasound and echocardiography skills required for healthcare professionals working in acute, emergency and critical care medicine.

Programme 11-12th October 2024


Time Topic  
08.30 : 09.00 Breakfast and registration  
09.00 : 09:10

Welcome and introduction

09.10 : 09:35

Basic abdominal ultrasound and FAST

09.35 : 10:30


10:30: 10:45

Coffee break

10:45 : 12:45


8 stations (each group will rotate through 4 stations)

Station 1: Basic abdominal
Station 2: FAST
Station 3: VeXUS
Station 4: Basic abdominal
Station 5: FAST
Station 6: VeXUS
Station 7: Pathology review
Station 8: Pathology review

12:45 : 13:30


13:30 : 14:00

Basic vascular ultrasound

14.00 : 14.30

Basics of lung ultrasound

14.30 : 15:00

Lung ultrasound pathologies (consolidation, effusion, pneumothorax)

15:00 : 15:15

Coffee break

15:15 : 17:30


Station 1: Vascular access
Station 2: Lung ultrasound systematic approach
Station 3: Case-based discussions in lung ultrasound
Station 4: Vascular access
Station 5: Lung ultrasound systematic approach
Station 6: Case-based discussions in lung ultrasound
Station 7: Live pathology reporting (workstation)
Station 8 Live pathology reporting (simulator)

17:30 : 17:45

Questions and close


Time Topic  
08.00 : 08.30 Breakfast and registration Laura / Calum
08.30 : 08.45

Introduction to acute echocardiography


08.45 : 09:00

Ultrasound physics and Doppler


09.00 : 09:15

The machine and controls


09:15: 09:30

Basic Cardiac views and sonoanatomy

09:30 : 11:30

Practical scanning 1-8 stations (individual views)

Station 1: parasternal long axis view
Station 2: parasternal short axis
Station 3: apical four chamber view
Station 4: subcostal view
Station 5: parasternal long axis view
Station 6: parasternal short axis
Station 7: apical four chamber view
Station 8: subcostal view


GE – Nathalie
GE – Imtiaz
Philips – Anna
Philips – Masha
Simulator 1 – Can
Simulator 2 – Lucy
Handhold 1 Nadia / Laura
Handheld 2 Ronak / Calum

11:30 : 11:50

Pericardial and pleural effusions


11:50 : 12:30

The left ventricle

12.30 : 13.15


13.15 : 13:30

The right ventricle


13:30 : 13:45

Assessment of valves

13:45 : 15:45

Practical scanning 2-8 stations (full scanning and pathology)

Station 1: All the views
Station 2: All the views
Station 3: Valves pathology (simulator)
Station 4: LV/RV pathology (simulator)
Station 5: Integrated echo in CPR scenarios
Station 6: Live pathology reporting (workstation)x3
Station 7: Live pathology reporting (workstation)x3
Station 8: Live pathology reporting (workstation)x3


Masha / Camelia
Jerusalem / Laura
Imtiaz / Calum

15:45 : 16:10

Coffee break

16:10 : 16:25

Echo in ICU/critically unwell patients

Stephen ICU / Abi

16:25 : 16:50

Interactive case reviews and spot diagnosis


16:50 : 17:05

Questions and close and Introduction to Day 2

Ronak / Hatem

17:15 : 17:30

Close and certificates



About the course

FUSE is a novel 2-day ultrasound course that covers the skills required for common emergencies encountered by healthcare professionals working in acute, emergency and critical care medicine. The course covers both the theoretical and practical skills required to perform and interpret: focused echocardiography, abdominal ultrasound (FAST scan), lung and vascular ultrasound. This course is FUSIC and British Society Echocardiography (BSE) accredited and is the first step to achieving these qualifications.

Key Information

  • No prior ultrasound or echocardiography experience required.
  • Full 2- day course covering basics of ultrasound and echocardiography
  • Interactive seminars and numerous case examples on how to assess patients
  • 4 hours minimum practical scanning time each day (8 hours total) using live models and simulators
  • Interactive cases reviewing use of ultrasound and echo in real life scenarios
  • Highly experienced faculty
  • Limited spaces
  • Places allocated on first come first served basis
  • Refreshments and lunch provided throughout the day
  • Central London venue

2-day hands on course, under guidance of professional cardiologists, acute medicine and critical care physicians. 

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